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Stacksteads Environmental Improvements, Rossendale

Stacksteads Environmental Improvements, Rossendale

Proffitts worked closely with all the residents in this area of Stacksteads and with relevant officers from the local authority to design the proposals for this area to compliment the facelifting and block repair which has recently been undertaken. The scheme included alleygating and surfacing unmade narrow alleyways; creation of communal bin storage areas, improvements to the appearance of the area from the main road and creation of communal garden areas.

A thorough and detailed series of consultation events were held in the area to determine the concerns of the residents as well as their needs. The scheme addresses the concerns and makes the neighbourhood a cleaner, safer and greener place to live. The visual appearance of this gateway site has also been improved through the project and its use of attractive and appropriate local materials.

Project is now complete.

Stacksteads Case Study 2011