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The Barlow Institute, Edgworth

The Barlow Institute, Edgworth


The team at the Barlow Institute have secured funding and completed a lot of work on the building and surrounding space over the last couple of years. They’ve done a great job – you can follow progress here: The Barlow Institute or, if you’re in Edgworth, you should pop in and take a look around 🙂


Some good news everyone! Over the past 12 months we have been working with the Barlow Institute with the support of the local community and user groups of the Barlow Institute to try and attract funding to make some improvements on some of the priorities as listed below. Together we have managed to secure some funding from Veoila Trust which will contribute to replacing the heating system and replacing a proportion of the buildings windows / doors. The work will help modernise the building by making it more environmentally and economically sustainable – helping reduce those bills 🙂 Thank you Veolia Trust! We are now making plans to deliver the work safely and will provide you with more information on that soon.

We continue to look at other sources of funding to help replace the biggest priority – the roof! This is a bigger job and requires a larger amount of money and therefore will take time. Thank you all again for your support and your patience.

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We are really pleased to announce that we are working with The Barlow Institute. The Barlow institute has been in existence for over 100 years and has been serving the rural community of Edgworth on all levels since. In recent years it has come into disrepair and the trustees are working with Proffitts to tackle 6 key areas which will ensure the Barlow Institute continues to thrive. These are:
1. Community engagement and involvement in the building.
2. Replacement of doors and windows
3. Replacement of heating system
4. Replacement of electrical system
5. Replacement of roof
6. Some internal reconfiguration
The intended work is reliant on securing external funding and will take many years to deliver.
Please state your support in the comments box below and look out for updates.
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