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Carrbrook Community Space, Tameside

Carrbrook Community Space, Tameside


Work on site is coming along nicely – the new turf is establishing well and tree planting has been carried out. The outstanding work includes installation of signage and seating ready for the opening. We have received some great feedback from the public already. The launch event has been planned for Saturday 25th May. Watch this space for more details.

This project was completed in 2013.


SUCCESS! We have secured the funding required to carry out the attached plans. Work should start on site in Dec 2012 / Jan 2013 all going well. Well done to all involved and thanks for your input.


The icon below depicts the most up to date intended design. This design is based on consultations with local residents and the local authority. This design is to be submitted to Community Spaces to try and secure funding to improve the area. Please feel free to send your feedback at any point.


Currently in its consultation phase we welcome comments to help determine the intended design. Please view the design by clicking on the icon below and then tell us what you think. Alternatively you can click the questionnaire icon, print and send back the questionaire by the 24th February 2012.

Working with Carrbrook Residents Association and Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council we aim to create a community area.

The main intended features of the area are:

– Improved access through resurfacing the existing paths into the site.

– Cutting back some of the vegetation / shrubs from around the edges to make the site more welcoming and open.

– Improved drainage and goal posts to the existing football pitch which enable young people to take part in ball games in a designated area away from the road.

– Signage drawing attention to the site.

– Small nature trail creation which would encourage younger children to play and interact with the natural environment.

– Small terraced seating area which would add focus to the site allowing people to sit, relax and enjoy the natural surroundings and family activities.

The area will be designed to be low maintenance. It will be designed to provide children with a safe exciting environment to run around, play and explore.

The group are hoping to secure some funding from Community Spaces to carry out the works.

Carrbrook final draft

Carrbrook questionnaire

Carrbrook launch

Carrbrook Case Study 2013