‘Roots, Shoots and Fruits’ project – Moss Side, Leyland
This project is now complete – thank you to everyone for the support, and thank you to Jill for this lovely feedback 🙂
“I really enjoyed working on this project and getting the local children at the local primary school involved aswell. Proffitts were great to work with”
Jill Klee, Housing Officer, Accent Group
“Groundwork Landscapes Ltd have been on site at Robin Hey this morning installing the new boulders. These have plaques from Photocast Products Ltd installed onto them. These were designed by pupils at Moss Side Primary School – don’t they look fantastic?
Two new trails have been created around Robin Hey too – a nature trail with timber waymarkers from Sandblast Sign Company and a fruit tree trail with apples, pears, plums and cherries. Should be delicious in the autumn!”
Hiya! just wanted to say thank you to our little helpers today on Robin Hey! Thanks for agreeing to water the plants and keep them going through these hot summer months. Can’t do it without you 🙂 Fan dabby! Maybe see you tomorrow…
The project is getting close to be completed now – we had a good two days solid of planting with the help of Accent Housing staff. Following on from the bulbs we planted with the help of school children from Moss side Primary School in total 10 fruit trees were planted moving up towards paradise park where there is an old orchard, we also planted over 380 plants in some of the bare beds on Robin Hey, Manor House and Alder Close at the request of residents which will inject a little bit of colour to the areas.
The work will be topped off with installing a mini nature trail aimed at younger children and their families to encourage to look out for and value the wildlife in their area….there’s lots of it!..and install some artwork produced by the children. We’ll post some pictures when its done. In the meantime here are a few pics depicting the last couple of days. Thanks for all your help everyone!
The pupils at Moss Side primary school in Leyland have been busy! Of all the plaques that were designed, the ones that were chosen were by Emma Casey in y5 and Natasha Brown in y6. Well done to all the pupils – what a great effort! The plaques will be manufactured in the new year and installed around February, onto the boulders at the entrance of Robin Hey. We can’t wait to see them on display 🙂
The community planting event took place as planned – but no community! You busy / lazy lot ?. Well never mind we cracked on regardless and managed to plant around 6000 bulbs in the Cheetham Meadow area. It will look ace come Spring time. Well jealous!! Ok everyone have a lovely rest of the week and kids (if you are reading this) remember to tell your parents and carers what you achieved last week and how to plant those bulbs we gave you. Thanks everyone who got involved this week. Much appreciated. ???????
Fun times were had with Mossfield Primary School earlier this week. With the help of year 5 pupils there and staff from Accent Homes we managed to plant over 2600 bulbs in an area of Alder Close and Manor House. Even though it only lasted an hour we all enjoyed ourselves. The work we did would have taken 1 person a whole week – the children did it in an hour! They should be really proud of themselves. All the lovely colours the crocuses, bluebells and daffodils will bring in the spring will surely be worth it. Thank you children of Mossfield Primary it was really good to work with you. Well done 🙂
A few more details for the #community #plantingday on Friday 2 December – don’t forget to bring your gloves! #Barncroft #CheethamMeadow #Leyland #Greeningupyourneighbourhood
If you live in or around the Barncroft and Cheetham Meadow areas of Leyland, then we need your help!
We are aiming to plant thousands of bulbs to the grassed areas around the estate – so, if you’re free on Friday 2 December between 1 – 3pm, then come along! Full details can be found in the press release below – we look forward to seeing you there – let’s green up your neighbourhood!!
Hi y’all – when we were at the fun day at Paradise Park last month (and when we were doing some of the bird box workshops at the school) some of you were asking for more information of the intended improvements on Robin Hey, Manor and Barncroft / Cheetham estates. Please click on the following plans which show which improvements are taking where. We will be holding nature planting events in October /November so families and the local school can get involved in the work. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us anytime if you want to get involved! See you all again soon 🙂
Little late posting this info on the web page but just wanted to thank Friends of Paradise Park for inviting us to the fund day held on the 11th August. Although we didn’t enjoy the weather, we did enjoy making the final bird boxes which are to go up around the surrounding areas – thanks to some of the children and families who came down to help…special thanks to Edith, Joanne, Richard, Kate, Barbara and Betty and your crews (children). Hope to see you all again very soon when we arrange some bulb planting sessions around the estate over the next few months. Don’t hesitate to get in touch / follow / share if you want to be involved. Thanks now.
Some more great news! Congratulations to Emma Casey and Natasha Brown for their winning designs for the Entrance Signs at Robin Hey. We had over 50 excellent designs for year 5 and 6 at Moss Side Primary School, Leyland but Natasha and Emmas stood out with their colours, themes and clarity. These designs will now be made into plaques which will be set in stone and placed at the entrance to Robin Hey. Keep your eyes peeled for some time in September.
What beautiful beautiful bird boxes the children at Moss Side School, Leyland, have created. They really do look wonderful. Well done for all your hard work – it really has paid off. We will get these up in the trees around the estate over the next couple of months. See if you can spot them. Hope you guys (and teachers) have a well deserved break. All the best!
Round 2 – we had our second round of bird box making yesterday. It was great to see some new faces and lovely to see some familiar faces who came back for more from the 1st round – that means you must have enjoyed it! Well, we just wanted to say thank you very much for attending and taking part! Hope you learnt lots and had fun doing it. We will be putting the boxes up around the estate once they have been decorated. We might even give out a prize for the best one 🙂
The first of a handful of community / environmental events. Representatives from Accent Housing and Proffitts – Investing in Communities, led on the bird box building event at Moss Side Primary School, Leyland yesterday. It was great! Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. The children decided for themselves that they wanted to decorate their creations. Why not – the birds will surely love their new homes!
Plans are developing well for the ‘Roots, Shoots and Fruits’ project. Proffitts working with Accent Housing Group in Moss Side, Leyland have designed a programme of Community Events and Activities for 2016.
There will be a competition at the local primary school for the children to design a welcome sign for the entrance way to Robin Hey. The winners will be presented with a certificate and the winning designs will be made into plaques and then mounted on stone boulders at the entrance to Robin Hey.
There will be three Bird Box making workshops:
· A session with the children in the local primary school
· Summer workshop at the Friends of Paradise Park Community fun Day
· Workshop at the planting event in the Autumn
In Autumn we will invite the community to help at the bulb planting event.
If you live in Moss Side, Leyland look out for the first of our information leaflets
Proffitts are delighted to announce that we are working with the Accent Housing Group in Moss Side, Leyland to develop and deliver a programme of environmental and community focused activities and improvements in 2016. The project will include planting colorful shrubs, a Fruit tree trail, a Nature trail, community bulb planting activities, bird box making workshops and design workshops for artworks to be installed. We will be inviting all residents, children and families to get involved as well as the local Primary school in the three focus areas. These are: Manor House/Alder Close, Barncroft/Cheetham Meadow and Robin Hey. We can’t wait to get started in the New Year, watch this space!