Redevelopment of Stoops and Hargher Clough Recreation Ground, Lancashire
The terraced seating and small stage area are in! The lighting and walkways are also done, trees and flowers to be in soon.
This is going to be a lovely venue for future community events, activities, and performances!
The contractors are making great progress – even though the weather has been really terrible at time, they’re still moving forward with the construction of the new performance space. We were on site again, and it’s looking brilliant already!
What a difference a few weeks makes!
The terraced seating area will begin to take shape over the next few weeks, and then the plans will really begin to come to life. Look out for work taking place from now until September!
It’s great to see the site busy with contractors! Please do take good care in the surrounding spaces over the next couple of months while work is underway 👷
Work to carry out the improvements at Stoops & Hargher Clough Park is expected to start this week! Contractors will be on site for 6-8 weeks, weather permitting ☔.
Just a reminder that the works, funded by Burnley Council, FCC Communities Foundation, and Calico, will transform an unused piece of land in the recreation area into an amphitheatre type space with terraced seating, a small stage area, lighting, new walkways, and green spaces. We can’t wait to see the new space when it’s finished! 🙂
Here’s a reminder of the exciting plans for the Stoops & Hargher Clough Park improvement project.
In Summer, contractors will be on site to begin creating the wonderful outdoor space with terraced seating, a small stage area, lighting, new walkways, trees and flowers. It’ll be the ideal venue for future community events, activities, and performances! The project is being led by the West End Community Centre, and Burnley Council – but we’ll keep you updated about progress here, so do check back for details.
If you need to view a larger image, then please click here: Stoops Hargher Clough Layout Plan Jan2024
Great News…the funding needed to complete the Stoops & Hargher Clough Park improvement project has now been secured! The funding has been awarded from FCC Communities Foundation.
The grant, together with funding from the Burnley Council, Lancashire County Council, and social housing company Calico, will help transform the unused piece of land in the recreation area into an amphitheatre type space with terraced seating, a small stage area, lighting, new walkways, and green spaces. It’s an exciting time, and it was great to get a mention in The Lancashire Telegraph.
Work is expected to start on site in Spring 2024, but we’ll keep you updated on here – so do check back with us for regular updates 🙂
Thanks to everyone for the patience as we move forward to the next phase on the project. The funding bids for the work have been submitted, and we’re waiting to find out if the applications have been successful. As soon as we know more, we’ll update you here 🙂
Thanks to everyone who has already taken part in the consultation about the planned improvements at Hargher Clough Park. There’s still time to share your thoughts here: Survey Monkey questionnaire . It would also be really helpful if you could share it with your family & friends too – your feedback will help make sure that we get the design right for as many people as possible! The images below will help you see what the space could look like after the improvements.
If you want to view the actual plan in a larger view, you can do that here: Plan for Stoops and Hargher Clough
Just a quick update to let you know that we’re still working with various partners to complete the planned improvements on Hargher Clough Park. We need to get as much support as possible for these proposals, because it will help us get the funding we need to carry out the work.
Please follow the link to the Survey Monkey questionnaire & let us have your feedback about the plans. It would also be really helpful if you could share it with your family & friends too 🙂
If you want to view the plan in a larger view, you can do that here: Plan for Stoops and Hargher Clough
Just a reminder that you still have time to let us know your thoughts and ideas for the third, and final, phase of the Stoops and Hargher Clough Recreation Ground redevelopment project. The design below has been produced courtesy of Newground CIC, and you can let us know what you think about the plan by completing this very short survey Stoops survey. Its only a few questions, but it will give us an idea as how best to improve and finish the site. Thanks for your time. Keep checking back here for updates!
We’re now going for the third and final phase of redeveloping the once derelict / neglected land formerly known as Stoops and Hargher Clough Recreation Ground. The design below has been produced courtesy of Newground CIC. Please take a look and give us your thoughts using the link to this survey. Its only a few questions but it will give us an idea as how best to improve and finish the site. Please do share this opportunity with people who you may find interested. Thanks!
As this project nears completion, the team involved in creating the new wheeled sports area would really like to get your thoughts and feedback on the changes that have been made to the recreation area. We really hope that everyone is happy with the new facility, but this is your opportunity to let us know exactly what you think. The STOOPS PROJECT EVALUATION FORM is very short and should only take a few minutes to complete – but your feedback is really valuable to our team.
Thank you and have a great day on Friday!
Just received some great feedback from a couple of key partners. Thanks so much. This was a big team effort to get things done. It really helps us improve our service. See below:
“Martin played a crucial role in the design & development of the plans for Hargher Clough Park, which included identifying & accessing various sources of funding. He displayed a detailed understanding of the processes needed to engage local people in an effective manner & I am happy to offer a very positive recommendation for Martin & Proffitt’s CIC”. Chris Keene – Director – Stoops and Hargher Clough Youth and Community Centre
“The success of the Stoops wheeled sports area could not have been achieved without the support and expertise of Martin Proffitt, who helped to develop the project, led the design consultation with young people, secured over £125K of funding and helped manage the project through to completion”. Simon Goff – Head of Green Spaces & Amenities – Burnley Borough Council
Skate Park Official Opening Event & Family Fun Day, Friday 25/10/19, 11.00 am – 2.00 pm
We’re pleased to announce that the official opening of the magnificent new facility will take place from 11.00 am on Friday 25/10/19.
There will also be a family event on the park & in the centre as part of the celebrations, which will take place after the official part of the day. These activities will run from 11.00 am to 2.00 pm & the Mayor of Burnley & representatives of the organisations who provided the funds to build the skate park will be coming along on the day.
The event will include various free activities for children & there will be food/refreshments available free of charge.
Please come along to this family event to help us celebrate the completion of the project!
If you get a moment today – please do take the time to watch this video. About 6 minutes in you’ll be able to see children playing at the site and hear what they’ve got to say about the new facility. This project has been a huge achievement for the local community and we couldn’t have done this with the support of Sport England, Calico Housing, Lancashire Environment Fund, Tesco, Burnley Borough Council and Lancashire County Council so many, many thanks to you all. We’re now looking forward to the formal launch event on the 25th Oct to which everybody is invited – see you there!
This project is complete! The site looks great and is getting well used already. Feel free to bring your bikes, skates, scooters and skateboards and have a crack at it – suitable for all ages and abilities.
Work on the wheeled sports area is well underway and is due to be completed at the end of this month! On Friday 30th August there will be a event taking place to recognise the completion on the wheeled sports zone, as well as celebrate the centre being open for 30 years and the successful completion of the summer programme. Its going to be a fantastic day, start time is 11am so we hope to see there.
More updated images below for the new area. Work is due to start on site very soon – so keep checking for updates!
Hi everyone! Just a quick update for you all. Work on the new wheeled sports area for bikes, scooters, skateboards and inline skates is due to start in March 2019. The company who won the work are called Clark and Kent and are really eager to get started. Attached is an image of what the area should look like when completed!
Hi all, just a quick update for you. The work has now gone out to tender and we hope to have submissions in by the end of next week. Work will be awarded before Christmas for the contract to start in the 1st week of January 2019. Last week, Tesco Carrier Bag scheme awarded the project £2000! Thank you Tesco and thank you all the other funders. It will be a great scheme once complete.
You will never guess what…We (Stoops and Hargher Clough Community Centre, Proffitts – Investing in Communities and Burnley Borough Council) with the help of funders from Sport England, Lancashire Environmental Fund, Burnley Borough Council, Lancashire County Council, Calico and Tesco Carrier Bag Fund, have only gone and done it! We have manged to raise the funding needed to deliver a much needed youth provision facility in the form of a sprayed concrete wheeled sports area. The space will cater for bikes, BMX’s, Scooters, In-Line skates and skateboards! All going well the project will be delivered by Feb 2019. Thank you everyone who got involved and supported the scheme idea over these years to get to this point, it really will be something worth waiting for. Watch this space…
Morning everyone – just a reminder that you still have 12 days left to help us get some extra support for this brilliant project. All you need to do is to pop your counters in to the box at any of the Tesco stores listed below. Thank you!
Tesco Express, Brunshaw, Burnley, BB10 3JB
Tesco Extra, Burnley, BB11 2HE
Tesco Superstore, Padiham, BB12 8DQ
The vote will be open from 1st May until 30th June, 2018.
Still time to vote! All details below:
Great news – the project has been selected as one of three local projects that the brilliant Tesco, Bags of Help Grant Scheme is promting in their stores. If you’d like to vote for us to get the last bit of funding that we need, then please show your support by popping your counters in to the box at any of the following Tesco stores:
Tesco Express, Brunshaw, Burnley, BB10 3JB
Tesco Extra, Burnley, BB11 2HE
Tesco Superstore, Padiham, BB12 8DQ
The vote will be open from 1st May until 30th June, 2018.
Thank you for your support!
Wow! Well its certainly been a while since we posted something up here. We have a good excuse we promise! We have been beavering away trying to secure the funding required to deliver the wheeled sport area…and we have very very nearly done it. We need to raise another £5000 (thereabouts) out of £137,000! So far funders such as Lancashire Environmental Fund, Calico Housing, Sport England, Lancashire County Council and Burnley Borough Council have all chipped in. Thank you funders! We need to find out where we go for the rest. Any ideas would be welcome.
People have been asking what is the actual project? So thought it would be useful for you to have a project description – The project would essentially be a wheeled sport area constructed using sprayed concrete as a material to form the surface and humps, jumps and banks. The site would allow inline / roller skaters, BMXing / cycling, scootering and skateboarding to take place. The project will make the existing site which is derelict, underused and neglected into a multi-functional space where a wide
range of local people (mainly young people) can utilise and engage in positive play and sport activities. What do you think?
Hi everyone we have now settled on a design and the type of material required – concrete! – its not only the best material but also the cheapest :). Thanks for all your input to get to this stage so far. The next step is fundraising…the hard bit. We have a few funders in mind – with a couple of them stating an interest in the scheme and we aim to start submitting the bids over January and February. The design is attached below for you to view – just click on the link. Remember to get in touch if you have any questions. The only other thing to mention is….have a very Happy Christmas and New Year. All the best!
The project is progressing – a little slowly but progressing! Thank you to all those who were part of the consultation we carried out. We have processed the data – which was hard going! 185 people responded which is really helpful to prove the need that this project is genuinely wanted by local people – especially young people living in the area. We met with a core group of young people last night who are helping steer the project. We are currently discussing what material is best and waiting to gain advice from Burnley Council and experienced enthusiasts before making a decision. Once decided on the material we are using we will finalise the plan and have a better idea of cost. From that we will then be able to start fund raising! Takes ages we know but hopefully we can start writing bids in Jan 2016. Keep looking at the web page and feel free to ask questions or provide feedback at any stage. Thanks again everyone.
Just to reiterate, here are the Sketch Options:
Hargher Clough Skate Area Sketch Option 1
Hargher Clough Skate Area Sketch Option 2
Hargher Clough Skate Area Sketch Option 3
Its not all work work work! We had a great time checking out a great indoor skate park http://www.warehouseskatepark.co.uk/ . The trip funded with thanks by Lancashire Sport Partnership proved a hit with the young people involved in the design. They will start to use their experience to discuss their own design options – discussing flow / transition / ability and modes…presenting their ideas to each other. See their pictures and designs for further info.
Phase 2 begins! Focusing on the proposed wheeled sports area – which will consider use by BMX’s, skateboards, scooters and in line skates – we kicked off the consultation with the help of 12 enthusiasts who are keen to help design the wheeled sports area. These 12 young people have been using mobile ramps every Thursday in the Vencie Street community centre working with High Rollers and have a really good idea of what they want for the area. Last week we got together and looked how best we could use the space, discussed materials, pros and cons and also discussed potential budgets. With all that in mind we came up with 3 options in total! Please see pictures and downloads!
Hargher Clough Skate Area Sketch Option 1
Hargher Clough Skate Area Sketch Option 2
Hargher Clough Skate Area Sketch Option 3
Next step is to agree on 1 option as an initial design and then do a larger consultation with the wider community and local schools. Watch this space!
Working on any given project can be time consuming, complicated and not short of its ups and downs – however, this is the journey you have to make towards progress! Chris has summed up the Hargher Clough Recreation Ground project brilliantly. So, if you want a recap, then click on the link below.
Don’t forget the Family Fun Day on Friday 20 February from 1pm – 4pm. The Mayor will be coming to help us celebrate becoming one of Burnley’s newest parks. The event is FREE and there will be lots of activities for the children, music, a bouncy castle and more! Also, there will be consultations taking place for Phase 2 of the park – this is where your feedback is crucial!! Please come along and enjoy the park and let’s discuss where we go forward from here 🙂
Since 2013, we have secured £109,460 worth of funding for Burnley – this is an average of £54,730 per year since we started working in the area. Click on the link below to find out more.
Local Authority Area case study – Burnley
Great coverage of the open day from the Lancashire Telegraph – click on the link below to read the full article
It was a fabulous turn out for the open day last week – over 400 people from the local community came to join us – this in itself speaks volumes!! Here are a couple of photos from the day. Thanks to everyone that put the event together and it was great to see our partners there too!
This week, work started to develop the Hargher Clough Recreation ground at Venice Street, Burnley. Proffitts are leading the project, which will transform the currently neglected site into a multi functional space where a wide range of local people can rest and engage in positive play and sport activities. A MUGA (multi use games area) will be installed – which will cater for young people of a wide range of ages, and will offer the opportunity to play games such as football, netball, basketball, cricket, short tennis and tag. A seating area/youth shelter will also be installed. For the toddler area, play equipment will include a slide, a climbing net and a sand digger. The area will allow younger children to develop physically, as well as emotionally, through positive play activities. Work is expected to be completed mid August 2014.
Funding for the work, over £60,000, has come from Lancashire Environmental Fund, Calico and The Veolia Environmental Trust, who have awarded a grant of £24,000 through the Landfill Communities Fund.
The project gathered momentum when groups based at the community centre commented on the lack of facilities and identified the land adjacent to the building as ideal for community use. Several consultation activities (from questionnaires to consultation events) were carried out with local residents, who have also been involved in the design elements of the project.
Executive director of The Veolia Environmental Trust, Paul Taylor, says “This scheme will boost the potential for exercise and enjoyment for the community of Burnley and we are pleased to be supporting it. I look forward to seeing the MUGA and play area take shape”.
Click the link below to view all the projects we have delivered, in partnership with Lancashire County Council, since 2012 (via the Central Gateway Scheme)
Client study Lancashire County Council
Would you like to get involved in our ‘Community Wild Flower Sowing’ family fun day? Tuesday 8 April from 1 – 3pm – at Stoops recreation ground. Click on the link below for more details.
Wildflower Seed Sowing at Stoops Hargher Clough
There will be a wildflower seed sowing event taking place at Stoops and Hargher Clough Recreation Ground on Tuesday 8th April 1 – 3pm. Local residents will be invited to carry out the work which is the first step to the improvements of that whole area.
The improvements will take place on the underused recreation ground just behind Venice Street, Stoops, Burnley. Local residents through Cog Lane Residents Association, Stoops and Hargher Clough Community Association, Proffitts – Investing In Communities, Burnley Borough Council and Lancashire County Council. This simple seed sowing event is the first step in injecting colour and interest into what was once derelict and underused site. Children and families will have the opportunity to learn about the importance of wildlife and diversity before scattering their seeds.
The next phase of improvements will begin sometime in June and will include the following:
- New Toddler Play Area
- New Multi Use Games Area
- New Youth Shelter
- New bike riders practice course.
All the above was identified through a long consultation period which led to securing funds from the following funders:
- Calico
- Veolia Environmental Trust.
- Lancashire Environment Fund
This work is the 1st phase of a multiple phased project. The working group will continue to work together into the future to attract further funds intending to make further improvements for all the community to enjoy.
Martin from Proffitts Investing in Communities said “ It’s been a long time coming. This project will certainly benefit the local people there. Thanks for everyone’s input so far. I hope there is a good turnout for the seed sowing.”
We are now gearing up to deliver phase 1 of the improvements to the old recreation ground. Improvements will mainly be the placement of a MUGA (multi use games area) youth shelter and some play equipment for our little toddler friends. We are at the stage of asking contractors to bid for the work but once we know who is doing it and place the order for the scheme to go ahead we will be well on our way…we hope it will start by May and complete by June/ July 2014 – in time for the summer! We are going to keep off the improvements with a little seed sowing event to0 – planned for the 8 April from 1-3pm. More details to follow.
Great coverage from The Citizen today!
Kids play area wish granted in Burnley
Fantastic news – we have been awarded a grant of £24,000 from Veolia Environmental Trust!!! This will go some way towards the installation of the multi use games area. As the community is aware, the site is currently derelict, underused and neglected – this project will turn it into a multi functional space where a wide range of local people can rest and engage in positive play and sports activities. This is a massive boost for the project – delighted for all those that are involved. Watch this space for more news
Great news everyone! We have secured a further £30,000 towards the phase 1 improvements (toddler play, multiuse games area and youth shelter). We are getting there. We will need your help in the forthcoming months as we will be applying to Lancashire Telegraph – BIG Lottery Fund Community Cash Awards – please rember to vote for us if we get that far….fingers crossed! Thanks for all your interest in the project so far.
We we have had over 160 responses to the questionnaire and the drop in. Thanks for taking part everyone! We will process the results ASAP and upload them to the site. 05.04.13 On your behalf and using the consultation results we have submitted an application to Lancashire Environmental Fund. We hope to hear a result by mid June 2013. Fingers crossed everyone!
Ok. We are now ramping up for a second consultation based on the results of the first consultation carried out in September 2012. We now have a sketch design to view, Please click on the link below. Tell us what you think! There are three other ways which you can comment and provide feedback. 1. Click on the attached questionnaire, print, complete and drop off at the Community Centre on Venice Street. 2. On Thursday 14th March between 11.30 am and 8.00pm you are very welcome to pop in to the Community Centre at Venice Street, view the plans and talk to the key people involved in driving the project forward. 3. 500 of the questionnaires below are to be printed and distributed to the closest homes. If you are lucky enough to recieve one please complete and return using the envelope provided or simply drop in to the Community Centre at Venice Street. Please tell is what you think! Every comment helps!
Good news! £10,000 has been secured from CALICO! Thanks very much CALICO! We will use this to try and get further funds from other sources in the new year.
Results from the consultation can be viewed below. Just click on the link!
Consultation has just started with a questionnaire being distributed to over 500 households in the area and 2 x community focused days were attended were staff from Proffitts introcuced the idea and recorded feedback. Lots of positive responses so far! This feedback will start to shape a sketch design which will be put together with the help of Burnley Borough Council. From that we will form a design working group to firm up the ideas before we approach any potential funders. Watch this space!
We are fortunate to have secured development funding from Lancashire County Council to move the project forward. Thanks County Council!
The project idea has been with the community since 2005. The proposed site / potential development has become even more crucial in respect of public access to play & recreational facilities, as due to recent & welcomed developments (2 new schools & a health/well-being centre) Cherry Fold Playing Fields are no longer available for public access. The group / club approached Proffitt’s – Investing in Communities and partners such as Lancashire County Council with an aim to provide a better recreation (play and informal sport) facility which will make the area more appealing and accessible / attractive for all users and local residents who are not currently engaging with the space.
The aim of the project is to create a high quality open access play & recreational space that enables local people of all ages & abilities to participate in a healthier lifestyle.
The proposed site has enormous potential for promoting healthy lifestyles through the introduction of sports, play & environmental features that maximise benefits to all sections of the community.
The project will improve an area of land which is currently underused and uninspiring and in doing so involve and enthuse the local community in the development and outcome of their immediate environment.
Recent consultation is yet to take place. A full description / detail of the project can’t be communicated as yet, however based on previous work carried out by partners with the local community a number of years ago, below is an indication of what the site may entail.
- · Boundary
- · Access
- · Adventure Play / Trim Trail
- · Central Terraced Area
- · Outdoor Gym
- · MUGA
- · Toddlers Play and Community Garden
- · Teen zone Activity Play Area