Island Lodge, Bury
Reminder – planting event takes place tomorrow, 10am – 12 noon!
If you are interested in taking part just turn up at the Greenmount end of The Lines at the Greenmount Bench. Please wear sensible footwear, gardening gloves and if possible, bring a narrow trowel/ fork/ bulb planter. GVC will provide some long-handled bulb planters, and will have spare trowels if needed. All plants are provided, please do not bring any additional plants.
If you need any more information, or if you have any questions, please email Julie Southworth at [email protected]
Hope to see you there! 🌳☀️🌻
As part of the Kirklees Valley improvement plan, Greenmount Village Community will be holding a Community Planting (native bulbs and plug plants) on Friday 8th November from 10am till 12 noon.
If you are interested in taking part just turn up at the Greenmount end of The Lines at the Greenmount Bench. Please wear sensible footwear, gardening gloves and if possible, bring a narrow trowel/ fork/ bulb planter. GVC will provide some long-handled bulb planters, and will have spare trowels if needed. All plants are provided, please do not bring any additional plants.
If you need any more information, or if you have any questions, please email Julie Southworth at [email protected]
Hope to see you there!
The team have been back, and they’ve been busy! If you’ve visited, you’ll notice that path works are progressing well. The team will be back in a few weeks to tidy some edges, and install the new seats and signage too ☀️
Great to see that the tree felling was all been done before the nesting season started. The trees removed were those showing signs of disease.
The team will be back on site later in the spring to continue the works, next time focussing on the paths ☀️
Contractors J&D Jenkinsons will begin tree works at Island Lodge next week, on 4th March. They will be on site for around 4 weeks. The remaining phase 1 works including improving access to the lodge by upgrading and repairing pathways, and woodland management works, will take place between the end of April through until August when, hopefully, the weather will be a bit kinder ☀️.
More information about the upgrades is available on the map below, and if you need a larger copy, you can view that here: Island Lodge Map
An information board has now also been installed on the viaduct too.
A contractor has been confirmed, and work at Island Lodge should begin soon!
The tree works will take place in February and March 2024, and the remaining work will happen from May through to August 2024. The map below has lots of information about the upgrades. If you’re struggling to read the detail, then you can access a larger copy here: Island Lodge Map
Work for the Island Lodge project has now gone out to tender. As soon as a contractor is confirmed we’ll let you know, but we hope that work upgrading and repairing pathways, tree thinning, shrub clearing, and installing additional seating, bins, signage, and interpretation will start in Feb / March 2024.
If anyone would like to know more about the wider Kirklees Valley area, then we really recommend that you take a look at this fantastic short film: The Kirklees Trail 5+ Miles Circular Walk from Greenmount to Bury and Tottington
It serves as both a great introduction to the area, and also a reminder of just how much there is to see for regular users too 🙂
Have a watch, and then walk the route – you won’t be disappointed!
We’re delighted to be working alongside the Greenmount Village Community, Tottington and District Civic Society, Bury and District Angling Society, Tottington Litter Pickers and Bury Council on a project to improve the Island Lodge area in the Kirklees Valley nature reserve. The aim of the project, which has been funded by the council and an independent funder, is to improve the area for local visitors and also to help establish the lodge area as a haven for wildlife.
Planned ‘phase 1’ works (which will take place over several years) include improving access to the lodge by upgrading and repairing pathways around the site, and woodland management works including tree thinning and shrub clearance to improve sight lines and open-up the paths for visitors. Additional seating, bins, signage, and interpretation boards displaying historical and wildlife information will also be installed.
Some of the woodland management work will take place during this winter season so as not to disturb the birds and bats too much. We are taking advice from the Borough Council Wildlife Officer, Environment Agency and ecologists.
Larger engineering works to the lodge wall itself will follow in 2024 / 25.
We can’t wait to get started on this fantastic project. We’ll keep you updated here – so do check back regularly for more news and information.