Quarry Hill, Nelson
Great to see the Quarry Hill project mentioned in the Lancashire Telegraph this week:
Nature Reserve at Former Nelson Quarry Transformed
If you would like to join a friendly group of local volunteers who help look after the site, then you can pop along to the Quarry Hill Nature Reserve car park on the first Saturday of every month at 11am. Volunteer, Maureen Roberts, will be there this Saturday, 4th March, at 11am to run a litter pick session, and it would be great to get some the the regular Quarry Hill visitors and local residents along too! All you need is a pair of sturdy shoes, some gloves and a bin bag for the litter 🙂
If you’d like to find out more about the group, then feel free to email Maureen at [email protected] or call her on 01282 694756.
Great news – the improvement works at Quarry Hill are now complete! Visitors to the nature reserve should be able to see big changes including more seating, more wildflower planting, upgraded entrances and gateways, less overhanging vegetation and fewer dead and diseased trees. Walkers will also benefit from new handrails in places that needed to be made safer, and they should be able to navigate the site more easily due to improved steps and pathways, bridge repairs and better signage. New drainage should help with waterlogging too.
We’re grateful to the Lancashire Environment Fund, Lancashire County Council and Pendle Borough Council for funding the project. We’d encourage anyone who loves nature and exploring to pop down and visit soon!
The contractors at Quarry Hill are on schedule and hoping to complete all of the planned work by the end of January, which is great news.
As part of the community consultation process at the start of the project, we asked people if they would like to get involved in the Friends of Quarry Hill group who will help care for the site following the improvements. We did get quite a bit of interest, which was fantastic, but if you think that you would like to get involved too – please do email the group and let them know. It’s a wonderful site, and volunteering for groups like this one can make a big difference for your community.
The group lead is Maureen Roberts, and she can be reached at: [email protected]
We’ll be in touch again when everything is done, so look out for more updates next week!
Contractors are back on site at Quarry Hill Nature Reserve, and the access improvements are coming along brilliantly. Weather permitting, work should be finished in the next few weeks!
Almost finished at Quarry Hill…the cold weather may mean that the team have a little more work to do, but all paths have a base layer now – so they’re fit to use. We’ll update you again when the contractors are done, but looking good so far!
Brilliant progress at Quarry Hill Nature Reserve this week. Access around the site will be much better, and visitors should see a big difference when they visit in the new year. Let’s hope the snow stays away for a bit longer so the contractors can keep things moving for the next couple of weeks ❄
Thanks to the wonderful team at Lancashire Environment Fund, work at Quarry Hill has started. The contractors are expected to be on site until March 2023 – but the Nature Reserve will remain open to visitors, so look out for the warning barriers in areas where work is taking place. Let’s hope the weather stays dry and bright for the next few weeks!
The improvement works at Quarry Hill Nature Reserve are due to start on 28th November. The site will remain open to visitors for the duration on the works, but warning barriers will be installed around any working areas so you know where the contractors are carrying out works that day. Weather permitting, work will be completed by March 2023 – but we’ll keep you all updated here.
It was great to see the project mentioned online by both Lancashire County Council and the BBC this week too!
Great news – we’ve now raised the funds needed to deliver the Quarry Hill improvements!
The next step is to put the work out to tender and secure a contractor. We’re hoping all works will be completed by the end of March 2023. Thank you to everyone who has supported the project so far – we’ll keep you updated about start dates and details when we have them 🌼.
Thanks to everyone who completed the survey and shared their feedback. Funding applications have now been submitted, and we hope to find out if they’ve been successful by the end of July 2022. We’ll put any updates on here, so please do continue to check this page if you want to keep up to date with how things are progressing.
It’s been a gorgeous day for walking around Quarry Hill Nature Reserve. Just a reminder that there’s still time to share your thoughts and suggestions for improving the site. You can do that by completing this very short survey: Quarry Hill Nature Reserve Improvements Survey.
Thanks to everyone who has responded so far. We’ll track progress and feedback on this site – so do keep checking back for updates.
We’re delighted to share the masterplan for improvements for the Quarry Hill Nature Reserve, and we’d really like to get your feedback about the plan below. You can let us know what you think about the plan by completing this very short survey: Quarry Hill Nature Reserve Improvements Survey. As well as commenting on the current proposal, you can also share your own ideas and suggestions for the space.
The survey only takes a couple of minutes to complete, but it will help make sure that we get the design right for you. We’ll leave the survey open for 2 weeks, and will close for feedback on Monday 28th March, so please feedback to us before then.
Click image to enlarge
Great to be working in partnership with Lancashire County Council and the Clover Hill Residents Action Group on a project to improve the Quarry Hill Nature Reserve in Nelson. The site has great potential but is in need of improvements and upgrades to ensure that it remains accessible and attractive for users.
The project is in its very early stages – and the first step is to ask the local community and Quarry Hill visitors how they would like to see the space improved. We aim to have a questionnaire available for people to feedback and comment on in the next few weeks. The results will feed into applications and requests for funding. We’re looking forward to sharing further information you all, so watch this space! If you have any comments, or would like to join the Clover Hill Residents Action Group, please do get in touch.