Staghills Play Area, Newchurch
A huge thank you to the people who have already completed the evaluation survey for the new play area in Staghills. We’re a small team, and your feedback is really important to us! For anyone who hasn’t completed the survey yet – don’t worry, there’s still time. Click here: Staghills Survey to complete the 2 minute questionnaire and let us have your thoughts.
A big thanks also to the residents who have left comments on Facebook letting us know what they think. Comments include:
”Its good to see the kids have something to do – well done all involved”
”Never looked so good”
”Looks amazing”
”Looks fab, well done all involved. Great community asset for Newchurch”
”This looks wonderful thanks to all who made it happen”
We’ve also received really great feedback from one of our partners on the project, Simone Cudworth at Newchurch Village Community Association:
“The play area in Newchurch had been neglected for some time and members of the Newchurch Village Community Association took it upon themselves to do something about it but had no idea how to go about it.
Proffitts came on board and guided us through the whole process from start to finish; they helped with form filling, grant applications, designs for the play area, tendering for contracts and then were there every step of the way during the build.
The end results are amazing and I would thoroughly recommend Proffitts to any Community Groups looking to improve their local area”.
Thanks everyone – we really value you all taking the time to get back to us.
Now that the work on site has been completed, we would really like to get your thoughts about the new play space. We hope that residents and visitors are happy with the new facility, and we’d really appreciate it if you could share your feedback with us by completing this short survey: Staghills Survey. The survey is very short and should only take a few minutes to complete, but it would be a great help to us.
I hope we all get some nice weather over Easter so we can get out and about and have even more fun in the fresh air.
Thank you for your time.
Great to see mention of the Staghills play area on the Lancs Live website this week!
Here’s a look at the finished signs that will be installed at the entrance to the new play area in the coming weeks. The pupils from St Nicholas C of E Primary school have done an amazing job and we absolutely love their designs!
A nice article in the Rossendale Free Press about the new play area – Happy Christmas!
Christmas has come a little early for children in Staghills as the new play area is now open! Thanks to contractors Landscape Engineering the play space has been moved closer to the site entrance and we’ve added a wide range of new play equipment, new fencing and gates and even a cycle path so that the children can learn to ride their bikes safely.
We’d like to say a special thank you to the pupils at St Nicholas C of E Primary school for their wonderful designs for new entrance signs which will be installed on site in the coming weeks. We’d also like to give a special mention to Electricity North West who have agreed to waive the cost of the electricity connection for the defibrillator which will be installed in the new year – we’ll update you all again when it is in and ready for use.
Just a quick, but very exciting, update to let you know that we’ve made lots of progress since our last post in February. We have managed to secure the funding needed to deliver the Staghills Play Area project and work on site has started! We’re hugely grateful to Rossendale Borough Council, Viridor, Lancashire Environmental Fund, Tesco, Award for All, Newground Together and the wider community for their funding support. We hope to finish the play area by the end of the year and we’ll keep you updated with progress.
Just a reminder that the Staghills Play Area Tesco vote is still open – look for the Newchurch Village Community Association box when you shop. You can keep voting for this, and two other local projects, until 31st March.
We are delighted to announce that the Staghills Play Area application to the Tesco Bags of Help Grant Scheme has been successful and the project has been put forward for a customer vote in the Haslingden Tesco superstore!
This project, along with the other two successful projects, will go forward to a vote in the store where Tesco customers will decide the outcome by voting for their favourite project each time they shop.
Voting will take place from 1st January 2020 to 31st March 2020 and we will find out the amount of funding the project will receive at the end of April 2020 . The project with the highest number of votes could receive £2,000, the second placed project £1,000 and the third placed project £500.
To vote, you will need to make a purchase within the Haslingden Tesco superstore (Syke St, Haslingden, Rossendale BB4 6LY) of any value. You will receive one token per transaction and it’s not necessary to purchase a carrier bag in order to receive a token. You then put the token in the Tesco Bags of Help unit, usually located near the door.
Please do support us when you shop!
Thank you to everyone who responded to the Staghills questionnaire and shared their thoughts. The sketch below is a revised design based on the feedback. It is now suggested that we phase the plans due to the overall costs of the project. Phase 1 will concentrate on the play area and installing new play equipment and play surfacing.
The next steps are for Proffitts to work on fundraising for the play area which can take several months and even years. Watch this space for news as the project moves forward throughout 2019.
You only have 4 days left to give us your feedback about the Staghills Play Area plans! It’s a very quick survey that you can complete in a couple of minutes. Follow this link and let us know your thoughts before the deadline on 14th December: Staghills Survey Thank you.
Just a reminder that you have until 14th December to complete the online survey and let us have your thoughts on plans for the upgrade to the play area. It’s been great to get the feedback so far – really interesting to know what both the children and parents enjoy and value most in a new play area! Please do keep the feedback coming, it’s really helpful to us. Thanks to everyone who has replied so far.
You can view the plans below or online and give us your feedback by following this link: Staghills Survey
Just a reminder that you still have time to complete the online survey and let us have your thoughts on plans for the upgrade to the play area. It’s really great to get your feedback so we can provide something really brilliant that everyone will enjoy. Thanks to everyone who has replied so far.
You can view the plans below or online and give us your feedback by following this link: Staghills Survey
Thank you!
Proffitts are delighted to be working alongside Newchurch Village Community Association and Rossendale Borough Council on plans to improve and upgrade Staghills existing play area. A sketch has been drawn up (see below) with a few suggestions for improving the existing play area. The key features are:
- The play area will be moved closer to the path through the site and be fully fenced to keep dogs out. All old play equipment will be removed and the area grassed over
- A tarmac bike track will be created around the play area so small children can learn to ride their bikes safely.
- New play equipment will cater for children up to 12 years old and will be challenging and fun but accessible for children of all abilities
(click on image to enlarge)
We would really like to know what you think. Please view the plan and click the link to the survey and give us your feedback: Staghills Survey
Your comments will be considered and will help us shape the final project. Feel free to leave us a reply below as well. The survey will only take a few minutes and your details will only be used for this project only – thank you!
Here’s a reminder of how the site looks at the moment: