Starmount Reservoir, Radcliffe
Thank you to everyone who has shared their feedback about the Starmount project. After consultation with the local community and our wildlife experts, the decision has been taken to delay the works until the Autumn. The team are concerned that the swans have already nested, and our other birds will be getting ready to nest before we are due to finish on site.
Our consultation work on the project is now complete, but the council will continue to monitor the reservoir during this time. Works are now likely to take place September / October 2024 🌳
Thank you to everyone who has shared comments and feedback about the work taking place at Starmount Reservoir. We’ve summarised the key points raised, and included the details for you to take a look at below. It’s wonderful to know that the site means so much to people, and we are continuing to review the schedule of works so will update you all again soon.
Damage to wildlife and environment – Disturbing habitat of water birds and nesting birds.
We share your concern about nature and wildlife issues, and we are consulting with environmental experts to make sure that all works are being done in as considered a way as possible – including doing the work outside of nesting season. We look forward to seeing the hundreds of new trees and plants begin to thrive in the appropriate areas in the coming years.
Maintaining the work once its done.
The Council will be responsible for maintaining and monitoring the land around the reservoir after the works have been completed and will be monitored as such to ensure it is being carried out sufficiently.
Cutting down trees and hedges goes against climate issues.
The only trees being removed are the ones that are advised by the engineer’s report that are potentially causing damage to the reservoir structure. The trees that are being removed from the reservoir structure will help the structure of the dam remain strong and fit for purpose – reducing the risk of structural failure and the potential risk of properties being flooded.
How will this work protect us?
Bury Council have been informed that this work is essential and are obliged to carry out the works. Engineers have advised us that the trees, shrubs and plants are not making the sides more stable unfortunately and therefore work must be done to ensure that the reservoir doesn’t breach and flood the land and homes nearby. Keeping the embankments free of trees and shrubs will allow us better visibility of the structure when the monthly safety inspection is carried out.
Is it possible to improve the paths themselves?
This may be a possibility in the future. This is being looked into and we can feedback of the possibility if budget allows.
Planting of trees. Consider the species and ground conditions.
To lessen the environmental impact of the work a selection of trees will be planted. Suitable native specimens will be looked at as requested by local community members. We have decided to omit the planting of the non-native trees. The new trees will include Oak, Birch, Cherry and Lime.
Football pitches.
This work isn’t linked to the proposed development of football pitches.
Could some of the banking be planted with wildflowers to help with wildlife.
This will be considered with engineers and environmental support. Ultimately, we will take instruction from reservoir advisors but we will push for the most environmentally beneficial solution.
Why such a short notice period?
The report came through from the engineers in January, and we took advantage of the appropriate season to carry out tree works as soon as possible to minimise the impact on wildlife and nesting birds.
What access will there be around the reservoir whilst work is taking place.
Although access to parts of the site will be prohibited while contactors are working, the lower lodge will remain open at all times for fishing and walkers. We expect work to begin in mid / late March and last up to 2 weeks. The whole site will be open again after this time.
Proffitts will be working with Bury Council on a project to protect Starmount Reservoir, Radcliffe.
Planned works include the removal of all vegetation including trees, shrubs and brambles from all 4 sides of the reservoir embankments at each side of the path towards the reservoir, and down the banking to the bottom of the slope. Engineers have advised that the works must be carried out to keep the structure of the reservoir banking safe. The area affected is between the two black lines shown on the map below.
The photo to the right shows the banking in 2015 when similar work was carried out. The aim of the work is to protect the reservoir embankments from further damage, and to return all the bankings to this appearance. They will then be maintained as mown grass in the future.
To help ensure that the area remains as green and welcoming as possible in the long term, 350 new trees will be planted in suitable, safer, spaces around the reservoir. These include a mix off 300 oak, birch, cherry and lime, and a mix of 50 scots pine, holly, yew, western red cedar, white cedar and swamp cypress.
For visitor safety, access to parts of the site will be prohibited while contactors are working. However, the lower lodge will remain open at all times for fishing and walkers.
We expect work to begin in late February / early March and last up to 4 weeks, before the bird nesting season begins. We will keep you updated here, so please do check back for details.
If you have any comments about the project, or if you would like to be kept up to date about the project directly via your email, then please click here: Starmount
How the site looked in 2015, after similar works: