Trickett’s Memorial Ground, Waterfoot
The Trickett’s project is complete! We have loved working on this project, and it’s lovely to get feedback like this 🌳. The teams at Waterfoot Forward, and Civic Pride Rossendale, do great work and we’re really grateful to them (and all of the other volunteers, organisations, and teams involved) for their support and hard work throughout this project 🌼
”Community group Waterfoot Forward first recognised Trickett’s Memorial Ground as needing restoration soon after our formation in 2006, but finding funders willing to help out meant this was too complex a task for us to take on. Our main concern was that the stone and metal archway entrance had been damaged by vehicles and the memorial plaques themselves had been damaged by a previous attempt at cleaning. By 2018 and the centenary of the end of World War One, the group had installed an additional commemorative stone for ‘those in the community who had given their lives in conflict around the world’ and arranged an annual Remembrance Sunday service of commemoration, but we were still far from our aim of renovation of the entrance area, which we had hoped to complete by the centenary.
After having seen other local projects worked on by Proffitts CIC we contacted them to ask for help. Martin and Rachael saw the potential of a much greater scheme and after undertaking local consultation they came up with a scheme to clear trees and undergrowth and restore paths to open up access to the wider parkland. Waterfoot Forward also identified the lack of information available to visitors on the history and original purpose of the Memorial Ground – as a commemoration of the 44 men from Gaghills Mill who lost their lives in the First World War – and we provided the information for interpretation panels which Proffitts added to the scheme.
Thanks to Proffitts’ knowledge of which funders to approach the scheme has been completed to an excellent standard with the archway cleaned and restored, the bronze memorial plaques renovated back to their original standard, and new interpretation panels installed. A WWI memorial bench and replacement steps to the commemorative stone were also part of the scheme and both of these make the whole entrance area look unified and complete.
Working with Proffitts and their contractors was a pleasure and their professionalism and patience was much appreciated by everyone at Waterfoot Forward.” Tim Nuttall, Waterfoot Forward
”Civic Pride Rossendale, a charity based in the Rossendale Valley, in Lancashire, has been working in Trickett’s Memorial Ground in Waterfoot since 2026. A small team of volunteers has worked hard clearing weeds and planting shrubs, trees and perennials in an effort to bring this community space back to life. Proffitts, working with the local authority and ourselves, drew up a masterplan for tackling and improving the infrastructure in the grounds. Proffitts consulted with the public and other interested groups and then secured grants to enable the work to go ahead.
The work was completed in September 2024 and has made an enormous difference, building upon, and enhancing what we had done. The paths have been improved, bases laid for picnic tables, a handrail on the steps, new steps up to the memorial stone, a memorial bench and information boards. Work has been carried out on the trees and on steps leading up to a side entrance. And then hundreds of new perennials planted.
Rachael managed the project, paying attention to and acting on any concerns we had, and ensuring the work was carried out satisfactorily.
A very big thank you to Proffitts.” Charlotte Hocking, Finance Officer, Civic Pride Rossendale
Just a reminder that new interpretation panels have also been installed in Tricketts now – and they’re really worth a read! If you’re struggling to read the images below, then you can click here for larger versions: Interpretation Panel 1 Interpretation Panel 2
Or, even better…pop down to Tricketts and take a look 🙂
This has been such a great project to be part of. Waterfoot Forward and Civic Pride Rossendale have both done an excellent job, and the project couldn’t have happened without them and the generous funding teams at Lancashire Environment Fund , The FCC Community Action Fund and Rossendale Borough Council. Thank you all so much!
The Tricketts Memorial Ground improvement project is complete! The project wouldn’t have been possible without the amazing Waterfoot Forward community group, Rossendale Civic Pride, Rossendale Borough Council, Lancashire County Council and the generous funding teams at Lancashire Environment Fund and The FCC Community Action Fund . Thank you all so much!
The path works are almost finished, and the planting has begun. Thank you to the volunteers who helped 🙂
Improvement works at the entrance to Trickett’s Memorial Ground are making a big difference already. Can’t wait to see it when it’s finished 👏
What a difference a couple of weeks makes (and some dry weather…) ☀️
Look out for some great changes happening on site when you visit! Work on the path surfaces are happening around the site. It’s a bit messy at the moment, but access for everyone will be so much better when the contractors finish 🌳
Please note that contractors are now on site! It’s an exciting time, but please do take good care when visiting 🙂
Contractors will start work on site next week, 24th June! Just a reminder that the planned improvements include:
- Upgrading some path surfaces
- Carrying out works to trees where required for the health of the trees
- Working with Civic Pride on additional planting around the site
- Carrying out repairs and cleaning to the entrance pillars and archway
- Upgrading the steps to the war memorial
- Installing interpretation panels
The work should be completed in 8-10 weeks, weather permitting. We’ll keep you updated on progress here, so do keep checking back for pictures and updates 🙂
Great news – we have the funding needed to deliver the project! We will be supported by Waterfoot Forward, Rossendale Borough Council, Lancashire County Council and the amazing funding teams at Lancashire Environment Fund and The FCC Community Action Fund . We’re currently working through the process of securing contractors, and hope to have a team on site in the coming months. We’ll keep you all updated on progress here, so do keep checking back for details 🙂
We’re still working hard to try and secure the funding needed to get the project started. Thanks to everyone for their patience – fundraising can be a long process, and it’s great to have your continued support. We hope to have more news for you all by the end of the year!
Thanks to everyone for their support with the project and consultations so far. We’re currently applying to funders to try and secure the funds needed to make the improvements happen. We’ll let you know when we have more news, so do keep checking back here for updates!
Following on from the community consultation, we’ve updated the plans for Tricketts Memorial Ground. The updated plan is below – you can click to enlarge if needed:
Thanks to everyone who shared ideas and feedback. Next step is to start fundraising to make it all happen. Feel free to leave a comment below at any time. We’ll update you again when we have more news.
Wow – its been a while! Just starting to pick things up now albeit a little slow but we’ll all get there fingers crossed! So back in Feb 2020 we started a small consultation with regard to Tricketts Memorial Ground and with the intention on making some further improvements to the wider site complementing the great work Civic Pride Rossendale have already achieved and continues with on a regular basis. This consultation / questionnaire is now available to be completed on line. Please take 2 mins to carry out the survey and please share with interested people and groups. The more people that respond the merrier 🙂
Please click here to complete survey.
Thanks very much in advance everyone!
Civic Pride Rossendale are starting a new team at the Mytholme playground to resurrect the gardens which were planted around 12 months ago. They’re looking for volunteers to roll up their sleeves and help with gardening and litter picking between 10am and 12noon any Wednesday so please get in touch with Roger Grimshaw at Civic Pride if you’d like to help out.
Proffitts are delighted to be working with the Waterfoot Forward group on plans to renovate Trickett’s Memorial Ground in Waterfoot. The garden was given to the people of Rawtenstall borough in 1920 in memory of 44 workers from nearby Gaghills Mill, the footwear factory of Sir H W Trickett Ltd who died as a result of their service in the army and navy during the First World War.
The archway at the entrance gates is now showing signs of age, and the bronze plaques bearing the names of the men are in need of repair. The group would also like to provide an information board and website so that visitors can find out more about the history of the site as well as a small seating area to allow residents a place for quiet contemplation in the gardens.
The garden was in officially opened in 1922 and we aim to have the restoration works needed completed in time for the centenary of the garden’s opening.