Broadhurst Park Nearly Completed!
The refurbishment of the sunken garden at Broadhurst Park in Manchester is nearly completed. The group met on site in the sunshine last week to inspect the work that had been completed and to look at the exciting new mosaics that are almost ready for installation.
The works have been taking place over the past few weeks by contractor Groundwork Landscapes Ltd and have included replanting the formal ornamental beds, creation of a new ramp to the sunken garden, a new grass mat surface to stop the ground from getting boggy, improving the circular tarmac path and installation of new seats.
Cast stone seats have been designed by artist Green Monster Arts working with local schools St Mary’s Primary School and St Dunstan’s Primary School, to design the artwork for both the seats and the mosaics. These have been installed and the mosaics are complete and hope to be fitted within the next few days. Some were brought to site to see the overall effect last week – they look wonderful, don’t you agree?
Once these have been installed, the Friends of Broadhurst Park with Manchester City Council will be having an opening day to celebrate the garden. And in the autumn they will be holding tree planting events as a small orchard/arboretum will be planted.
Watch this space!