Edenfield Village Residents Association Secret Garden
The counters are adding up as we get closer to the 28th Feb deadline! If you’d like to support the Edenfield Village Residents Association then make sure to get your tokens in the box before the end of the month. Good luck to all 3 of the groups looking for support.
You can continue to use you Tesco blue tokens to support the Edenfield Village Residents Association until 28th Feb, 2019. Tokens warmly welcomed by all 3 of the projects advertised in the Tesco Ramsbottom store, so don’t forget to vote each time you pop in.
The counters for the 3 Tesco projects are adding up nicely. Don’t forget, if you’d like to support the Edenfield Village Residents Association with their brilliant plans you still have time. You can pop the tokens in to support the 3 good causes between now and 28th February.
The Edenfield Village Residents Association are looking for your support to help them gain the funding needed to tidy up an abandoned patch of land and bring it back into use.
The group would like to transform a small neglected piece of greenery that is crying out to be cleared of litter, thorn bushes and dead trees and plant new saplings, herbs, fruit and vegetables. The aim is to create a focal point, engage nearby residents and create a sense of community and civic pride. They even hope to offer free home-made lemonade on hot sunny days to passers by, run local walking activities, provide a book exchange and maybe even organise family days and the odd community BBQ!
If you’d like to see this project spring in to life, then support the group by popping your Tesco counter in to the Edenfield Village Residents Association box at Tesco in Ramsbottom. There are always 3 projects showcased in the shop at any one time. Whatever brilliant project you want to support, please do always make sure that you pop your Tesco discs in to the boxes in each store – Tesco really do help lots of local projects that we can all benefit from.