On the 12th November, work is due to start on the improvements to the Stacksteads Riverside Park. Local contractors Landscape Engineering will be making the site safe to allow them to commence work installing a new dual path route through the Riverside Park. There will also be additional seating, planting, new signage and an interpretation board which will detail circular routes in and around the park.
Proffitts – Investing in Communities worked in partnership with Stacksteads Countryside Park Group to secure £90,000 from the Big Lottery Fund’s Community Spaces programme and from Lancashire Environmental Fund. Proffitts provided support to SCPG to consult local communities, provided a landscape design service to bring ideas to life and helped the group successfully apply for funds.
Group spokes person Gill Knowles says, “We’ve wanted to make improvements to this area for such a long time – we’re thrilled that work is imminent and look forward to seeing the finished results.”
There are also lots of opportunities for local residents to get involved. Local school children will be helping to plant over 450 trees in November. SCPG are also appealing to the local community to get involved and help plant these trees and are holding a community planting day on 18th November, 1 – 3pm at the Riverside Park. “People can meet us at the Rose n Bowl at 1pm or just wander down to the site if you have a spare half an hour,” says Gill “it will be light work for many hands and we’ll provide you with a cup of tea and a biscuit to keep you going!”
SCPG are hoping the local community will bear with them whilst the improvements take place, take this opportunity to join in, enjoy the improvements and spend more time in the Riverside Park.