Whitaker Park, Rawtenstall
This phase of drainage and footpaths works at the park are now complete! Thank you to everyone for being so patient as contractors moved around the site making changes. What a difference a few weeks makes… 🙂
Progress at Whitaker Park continues and, from next week, contractors will be working on the lower car park. The car park will be shut for a few weeks while the work takes place so apologies in advance for any inconvenience this may cause. We hope that the path and car park work will all be completed by mid May – and we’ll keep you updated here.
Just a quick update to let you all know that works to improve drainage and footpaths at the top of the park are progressing well 🙂
However, please do continue to take care using the park over the next few weeks while contractors are still on site.
Please note that construction work to upgrade paths, improve drainage and resurface a car park will be taking place at Whitaker Park in the coming months. Work will now start w/c 18th March, and will last approximately 8-10 weeks.
During this time, construction machinery will be moving around the park – so please take extra care on site at all times.
Thank you to everyone who responded to the Play survey! We’ll take a look at the responses and come back to you with an update shortly 😀
Last chance for you / your children to share ideas for improving the play area within Whitaker Park!
There’s a draft design for you to consider below, and if you would like to view a larger image, you can do that here: Whitaker Park Play Proposals
What do you love about play spaces? What don’t you like? What equipment is the most fun – traditional swings and slides, or natural play elements? Whatever you think, please do let us know before the survey closes TOMORROW.
You can share your feedback here: Whitaker Park Play Survey.
Thank you to everyone who has responded so far 🙂
What would your children most like to see in a new play space?
If you’ve got any great ideas, then let us know here: Whitaker Park Play Survey.
The survey will be open until 29th Feb, so not long to go! Thank you to everyone who has responded so far 🙂
Great to see the project get a mention in the Lancashire Telegraph!
Just a reminder that you have until 29th February to share your feedback about the plans for improving the Whitaker Park play space. If you have any comments, ideas, or suggestions for us, then you can complete the very short survey here: Whitaker Park Play Survey.
There’s a draft design for you to consider below, and if you would like to view a larger image, you can do that here: Whitaker Park Play Proposals
You still have time to share your ideas for improving the play spaces at Whitaker Park. You can let us know your thoughts by completing this very short survey: Whitaker Park Play Survey. The information you provide will help ensure that we get the design of the new facility right for you and your family. The survey will be open until 29th February, 2024 🙂
We’d now like to find out what you think about these ideas, and find out what you think should be included in the design of a new play space. You can let us know your thoughts by completing this very short survey: Whitaker Park Play Survey. The information you provide will help ensure that we get the design of the new facility right for you and your family. The survey will be open until 29th February, 2024.
Thank you to everyone who has shared their feedback and ideas. We’ve gone through all of the comments, and we now have an updated plan for Whitaker Park. You can see an updated copy of the plan below, or you can click here to see the image in a larger view: Whitaker Park Masterplan v1
As you can all imagine, this is a long-term plan for and the changes will need to take place in phases over several years. However, now that we have a plan in place, the team has a good sense of what your priorities are and the fundraising work can begin. This takes time, but as soon as we have any updates from councils and funders about the project, we will let you know – so do keep checking back here for updates.
Final reminder that the Whitaker Park survey will close this Friday, 5th May! If you’d like to share your suggestions, feedback and ideas please log on and complete the questionnaire before then.
If you prefer a paper copy, then please pop along to either The Whitaker Cafe or Rawtenstall Library and collect one from there.
Thanks to everyone who has already responded 🙂
There’s a copy of the plan below, and if you would like to view a larger image, you can do that here too: Whitaker Park Masterplan for Consultation
Just a reminder that you have until Friday 5th May to share your feedback about the plans for improving Whitaker Park. If you have any comments, ideas, or suggestions for us, then you can complete the very short survey here: Whitaker Park Feedback
Paper copies of the survey are also available at The Whitaker Cafe and Rawtenstall Library.
There’s a copy of the plan below, and if you would like to view a larger image, you can do that here too: Whitaker Park Masterplan for Consultation
There’s still time to share you thoughts and ideas for improving Whitaker Park. You can take part by completing this very short survey: Whitaker Park Feedback
Paper copies of the survey are also available at The Whitaker Cafe and Rawtenstall Library. The deadline for returning completed questionnaires is Friday, 5th May 2023.
There’s a copy of the plan below, and if you would like to view a larger image, you can do that here too: Whitaker Park Masterplan for Consultation
After meeting with some of the Whitaker Park user groups and Rossendale Borough Council we have created the draft masterplan below which outlines some of the changes that could be made across the site. However, before the plan is finalised, we would like to find out what you think of the suggestions and give you the opportunity to share your own ideas for the park too. You can do that by completing this very short survey: Whitaker Park Feedback
If you need a paper copy of this survey then you can collect copies from, and return them to, both The Whitaker Cafe and Rawtenstall Library.
The results of this survey will help determine what improvements are tackled first, and help us put the other suggestions in priority order. Not all of the work can take place at once – it will be carried out over several years, and is dependent on successful fundraising.
If you would like to view a large image of the plan, you can do that here: Whitaker Park Masterplan for Consultation
Lovely to meet some of the Whitaker Museum staff, volunteers from Civic Pride and Rossendale Borough Council at Whitaker Park this week. We’ve now got some great ideas, so we can begin work on a draft masterplan. As soon as it’s ready, we’ll share it – so look out for more updates.
During our visit, we also saw some amazing historic stones from old Rossendale buildings that aren’t here any more. Take a look…
Proffitts are delighted to be working alongside Rossendale Borough Council on plan for improving Whitaker Park in Rawtenstall. Over the next few weeks we’ll be creating a draft masterplan of improvements for the site. Once the draft plan is completed, we’ll be sharing it with park users and residents to get feedback about the plans, and to find out if people have any other ideas for us to include too. Watch this space for more information 🌳